6 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses PDF Book by Stephen E. Kohn


Click here to Download 6 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses PDF Book by Stephen E Kohn having PDF Size 2 MB and No of Pages 223.

When it is the same managers who seem to have the most turnover in their departments or groups, then the organiza tion can not bury its collective heads in the sand. The causal factors for the turnover must be examined. There may be many seemingly rational reasons why one manager experiences a disproportionate amount of turnover: the extreme rigors of the jobs being supervised, the difficult environment in which the job is performed, or other reasonable explanations.

6 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses PDF Book by Stephen E. Kohn

Name of Book 6 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses
Author Stephen E. Kohn
PDF Size 2 MB
No of Pages 223
Language English
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 About Book – 6 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses PDF Book Download by Stephen E. Kohn

But disproportionate turnover in one area or department is a clear warning sign that a particular manager may have difficulty with human relations aspects of leadership. It is a circum stance in which an analysis of the manager’s leadership style should be explored. The resignation of an entire sales team, all at once, is rare.

But every company experiences some turnover in its positions. In the United States, we operate in a relatively open, market based economy, and this freedom applies to the labor market as well. Talented people seek out and find organizations that are best at attracting and retaining them, and the same is true in reverse.

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The fact is that most companies experience both gains and losses in an open labor market system. Our experience is that when a company is being sued, a lot of time and resources are spent assessing how the conflict began and why it ended up the way it did. 6 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses PDF Book Download But even when orga nizations are not coping with the hassles of lawsuits, they need to look at the time that is being spent on manager-staff con flicts that detract from far more important endeavors

. When this amount of time is too high, it is a sign change needs to occur. Our pyramid building block–based image is purposeful and intrinsic to the presentation and comprehension of our model. In a pyramid, the base is the broadest layer. It supports all the layers above it. Pyramids are rather simple structures, but highly solid.

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Sturdiness is an attractive feature of models developed for the business world, because it is important to build things that last and to which additions can be made when more blocks and/or layers are needed. 6 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses PDF Book Download Indeed, the Egyptian pyramids are marvels of endurance and durability. We like to say that our “Six Habits” pyramid symbol represents a skill based model constructed to last through the sandstorms of modern people management challenges!

One of the seeming paradoxes inherent in building self awareness is that much of what we learn about ourselves stems less from our own internal determinations than from input pro vided by the outside world. The views of people around us can be an invaluable resource in efforts to expand self-awareness.

When stressed, or at times when we feel vulnerable or inadequate in connection to a particular situation or circum stance, we may use denial to help us avoid unwelcome infor mation about ourselves. 6 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses PDF Book Download This behavior, though self-protecting, blocks out self-awareness. We need feedback and input from others to confront the self-deluding process of denial.

But there is far less pathologi cal phenomenon that can explain how certain evidence in the environment escapes our awareness, relating to our compe tencies and performance. The reality is that people have blind spots. Some truths we won’t see (denial); other truths we just don’t see (blind spots). Our “vision is impaired,” so to speak.

Let’s illustrate the point, using the common example of driv ing a car. Imagine a situation in which you took every precau tion when you were backing up your car. You looked carefully into all of your rear-view mirrors, and turned to take a more direct look behind you to confirm that it is safe to put your car in reverse gear and move backward.

But, because the angle of the mirror had been adjusted slightly, or for whatever rea son, you do not see a bicycle that is lying behind the vehicle that you are driving. 6 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses PDF Book You back up and, bam, you turn the bicycle into a heap of crumpled metal and rubber. You were unable to see the reality of the situation, despite a reasonably solid, routine effort to perceive it.

Cognitive Dissonance Theory is concerned with the relationships among cognitions. A cognition, for the purpose of this theory, may be thought of as a “piece of knowledge.” The knowledge may be about an attitude, an emotion, a behavior, a value, and so on. For example, the knowledge that you like the color red is a cognition; the knowledge that you must work hard to get ahead is a cognition; the knowledge that the Supreme Court outlawed school segregation is a cognition.

People hold a multitude of cognitions simultaneously, and these cognitions form irrelevant, consonant, or dissonant relationships with one another. 6 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses PDF Book Two cognitions are said to be irrelevant if they have nothing to do with the other. Two cognitions are consonant if they agree or are consistent with each other.

Two cognitions are dissonant if one cognition follows from the opposite of another. For example, if a manager thinks that he acts in a manner that warrants others’ trust but receives feedback that he is not trustworthy, these two cognitions are opposite, and therefore dissonant. This is an unpleasant state of mind, and humans tend to try to behave in a way that reduces unpleasant thoughts, emotions, or sensations.

When we are hungry, we find something to eat; when two cognitions are dissonant, we find a way to resolve the dissonance. 6 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses PDF Book The point of this case example is not that a blind spot existed in the hospital finance manager, or that this blind spot caused him problems in relations with other people. The point is that he sought out feedback to help him understand some thing about himself.

Further, when he used feedback to try another behavior, he received positive reinforcement. People laughed with him, engaged by the pieces he distributed. He was able to establish the kind of relaxed, team-building tone for staff meetings that he was looking to create. As a result, the meetings became more interactive and productive.

His interest in self-understanding, spurred by an intuition that told him that people were not responding to him the way he expected, was rewarded with useful feedback and the rein forcement of new and clearly more successful behavior. A mentor is a trusted advisor who can provide seasoned wisdom about situations you are facing or are likely to face.

Mentors are, primarily, teachers; they guide you in behaviors and personal decision-making, based on the depth of their own experience. The best mentors are attuned to the value of emotional intelligence. 6 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses PDF They can help you develop greater emotional self-awareness and business intuition, which, in the end, results in more self-reliance and, ultimately, less depen dence on the mentor’s input.

Another type of coach is one you hire or one the orga nization engages on your behalf, as part of a leadership/ management/professional development training initiative. This type of coach offers guidance, motivation, and direction in support of mutually identified Transformational, Develop mental or Succession-Supportive goals.

Transformational Coaching involves the need to alter a problematic or unsuccessful communication or leadership style. In such cases, you may have received feedback that your style is not as effective as you or others within the organiza tion would like it to be. 6 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses PDF The goal is to make changes in one’s communication, interpersonal, or leadership style in order to improve performance in your current role.

This, in essence, is problem-centered coaching, focused on turning around areas of performance that have generated concern from those around the manager. Most often, Transformational Coaching is implemented when an individual has acknowledged strengths in many areas of job performance, but requires guidance within an area where feedback has identified a specific developmen tal challenge.

Frequently, the developmental challenges that are the focus of Transformational Coaching pertain to inter personal sensitivity and skills, or other aspects of EQ. The model case for Transformational Coaching (but not the only reason it may be needed) involves the manager who is bril liant technically and admired by clients, but rubs people the wrong way interpersonally when performing supervisory du ties or within team efforts at work.

The coaching helps address the inevitable negative rippling effect on morale and organiza tional performance. Developmental Coaching focuses on a process of nurtur ing self-awareness skills and competencies that individuals will require in order to perform in newly assigned supervisory or professional roles, or to prepare talented staff to take on lead ership roles in the future.

This supportive learning is particu larly valuable for new managers or for managers who have been promoted to higher levels of responsibility. 6 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses PDF The skill of empathy then adds another dimension to the ability to understand and respond to people in work circum stances. Empathy focuses on communicating with others in a way that makes them feel uniquely understood.

It involves an ability to assess the unique circumstances of people—what seems to be going on inside them in the here and now, what they are feeling, how they are showing it with body language and affect, what type of core personality they have, what val ues drive them, and much more. Empathy is sparked by a natural curiosity about people. Managers need to nurture and develop that sense of curiosity about what people are experi encing, in order to focus in on their unique circumstances.

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