Rewire Your Brain PDF Book by John B. Arden


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The right hemisphere makes better connections with the parts of the brain below the cortex, so it is more emotional by nature. In other words, it ’ s better able to pick up the emotional climate of a conversation. Since women ’ s brains have a better connection between the two hemispheres than men ’ s brains do, women are said to be more intuitive.

Rewire Your Brain PDF Book by John B. Arden

Name of Book Rewire Your Brain
PDF Size 1.1 MB
No of Pages 256
Language English
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About Book – Rewire Your Brain PDF Book

Words often carry more emotional meaning for women than they do for men. There are four lobes in each hemisphere: the frontal lobe, the parietal (middle) lobe, the temporal (side) lobe, and the occipital lobe. Each has specifi c talents. For example, when you appreciate a specifi c object, such as a chair you sat on at your friend ’ s house.

The thoughts and feelings you have about the chair are dispersed throughout your brain. You remember the elegant shape of the chair through your right parietal lobe. You remember the words your friend used to describe his trip to Costa Rica through your left temporal lobe, and you process the tone of his voice through your right temporal lobe.

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You remember looking back at the chair as you were leaving the room and noticing its deep cinnamon color through your occipital lobe. One of the most important players in both neuroplasticity and neurogenesis is something called brain – derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This belongs to a family of proteins that enhance brain cells.

BDNF has been shown to help build, grow, and maintain the infrastructure of cell circuitry. It is one of the hottest areas of research in neuroscience today, and more than a thousand articles have been written about its amazing fertilizer – like functions. It has even been called “ Miracle Grow ”by many, because when it ’ s applied to cells, it causes them to grow.

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A vivid illustration of BDNF ’ s super – fertilizing effect occurs when researchers sprinkle BDNF onto neurons in a petri dish. Those neurons sprouted new branches much as they do in the brain during learning and development. BDNF does its magic in variety of ways. It works within the cell to activate the genes that increase the production of proteins, serotonin, and even more BDNF.

It binds to the receptors at the synapse, triggering a fl ow of ions that increases the voltage, which in turn strengthens the connectivity between the neurons. In general, BDNF prevents cells from dying and enhances their growth and vitality. BDNF is activated indirectly by glutamate and increases the production of internal antioxidants and protective proteins.

It stimulates LTP, which is fundamental to neuroplasticity. you reach this level. The body and the brain follow natural laws, and the natural law that applies to the concept of effortlessness is called the Law of the Conservation of Energy. This means that the things that happen are usually things that happen easily. For example, all water fl ows downhill. The deeper the creek, the more water fl ows in it. Rewire Your Brain PDF Book

The same is true for your brain: the more you use certain brain cells together, the more you will use them together in the future. As PET scans illustrate, when a person becomes more profi cient in a particular skill, the brain region associated with that skill labors less. This illustrates the fundamental principle of effi ciency: what comes easily will be repeated because it ’ s easy.

Once you have developed a pattern — the tennis swing or saying hello in French with the right amount of infl ection — it will become easier to do the next time you try. What if you stop doing it, however? If you haven ’ t played tennis in ten years, you won ’ t swing as well immediately.

If you go to France ten years after taking a class in French, you won ’ t be as fl uent as you were in the class (unless, of course, you have practiced in the meantime). You have to do the activity often to retain the ability. You ’ ll certainly play tennis better than if you never played before, or your French will come back more quickly, but if you practice things, your brain will remain wired to perform them effortlessly. Rewire Your Brain PDF Book

Belief and specifi c types of thinking patterns can have a powerful effect on your mood. In recent years, research has illustrated how changing your thinking patterns can affect your mood. Brain – imaging studies have shown different patterns of brain activity with different types of treatment for depression.

Cognitive – behavioral therapy (CBT) activated the hippocampus, whereas Paxil lowered the activity of the hippocampus. CBT appears to turn down the overactivity of the OFC, which is involved in endless ruminations. CBT cuts through the negativistic thinking and replaces it with realistic thoughts that quiet down the useless activity in the frontal lobes.

The new positive and realistic thoughts are coded into memory through the hippocampus, but this does not necessarily occur with Paxil. Also, after a person stops taking Paxil, there is a rebound of depression. In contrast, when CBT is stopped, what the person learned is remembered. In addition, a signifi cant number of people do not respond to antidepressants. Rewire Your Brain PDF Book

When these medications do work, they must be taken on a long – term basis. If the three sisters. She complained often, and her sulky moods seemed to control the social climate no matter whom she was with at the time. Her two sisters dealt with various challenges through their lives marriages, health problems seemed to be optimistic that things would get better as long as they tried to make them improve.

Brenda had few if any major challenges in her life. Everything seemed to go rather smoothly, which is what she had learned to expect as she grew up. Her fi rst major “ bump ”came at work. She had worked for seven years in a credential offi ce, where the stress was low, but she complained that it was high. She worked under a supervisor who gave her stellar performance evaluations.

Then she was transferred to the intensive care unit, and her world suddenly turned upside down. For the fi rst time in her life, she encountered real stress. She encountered a charge nurse who Brenda thought was the most controlling and critical person that she had ever met. Rewire Your Brain PDF Book Download

Your capacities to learn and to remember are highly overlapping functions. As your relationships with people deepen, your memories are shared in either implicit enactments or explicit discussions. If you recall something about your past — events, information, images, or content — it ’ s called declarative memory.

The recall of language – based information is called semantic memory. Overlapping memories about your past are referred to as episodic memory. These types of explicit memory are distinguishable as follows: If you remember getting a paper cut, that ’ s episodic memory. If you remember the facts about how you got the paper cut, that ’ s declarative memory.

If you remember the words you used when telling someone about the paper cut, that ’ s semantic memory. If the episodic memories involve strong emotions, they are referred to as emotional memory. Habitual styles of moving, such as riding a bicycle or writing your name, are called procedural memory. Although all these memory subsystems are considered forms of long – term memory. Rewire Your Brain PDF Book Download

They can be regrouped as two large subsystems, explicit and implicit memory. This distinction is important for your understanding of how to cultivate your memory skills. Explicit memory involves facts and declared experiences. Implicit memory involves procedural skills and emotional memory.

I am constantly astounded by the number of people like Sonya who come to see me, wanting help to deal with stress, anxiety, and/or depression, and then respond to my questions about diet by saying, “ I ’ m just not a breakfast person ”or “ I don ’ t have time for breakfast. ” Yet they do have time to check their e – mail or make an extra phone call in the morning before heading off to work.

When they fail to “ break a fast ”with a nutritious breakfast, it costs their brain dearly. They don ’ t know that if they had eaten breakfast, they would be far more able to think clearly, remember important information, keep their energy high, and maintain balanced moods. In some ways, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Rewire Your Brain PDF Book Free

It is the meal that ends the longest amount of time without eating — hence the term break – fast. Think of breakfast as the fuel for the day. I often say, “ Would you run your car on an empty tank of gas? ”Just before your car runs out of gas, it runs unevenly, then splutters to a stop. The same goes for your brain. The symptoms are low energy, decreased short – term memory, anxiety, and mild depression.

Breakfast is the foundation meal for your brain, so that it can pay adequate attention, remember what you experience, and learn. The brain is a highly effi cient and adaptive organ, yet it can create processes that are self – destructive. Stress and bad dietary habits can, for example, produce free radicals, which steal electrons from other molecules and wreak havoc by damaging cells.

The cellular damage that results from free radicals, known as oxidative stress, can cause a decrease in energy level as well as cognitive and emotional problems. Oxidative stress and a lack of dietary antioxidants can have a cumulative effect as you age. According to one study, an increase in antioxidants, as measured by blood level, is associated with enhanced memory abilities in older adults. Rewire Your Brain PDF Book Free

Fortunately, you have an antioxidant defense system that can gobble up free radicals and even prevent their creation. Consuming antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin E is crucial to maintaining and operating this system. Vitamin E works by nestling among the various fatty acids and cholesterol molecules.

When free radical substances threaten or damage one of the fatty acids, vitamin E traps and neutralizes them before they trigger a chain reaction that damages the cells. Vitamin and mineral levels can also affect sleep. Defi ciencies of B vitamins, calcium, and magnesium can inhibit sleep.

Taking a calcium – magnesium tablet at night will promote relaxation and help with leg discomfort ( “ restless leg syndrome ” ). Since your brain is geared to pay attention to novelty, try to minimize nonrepetitive sounds. The television should be turned off well before bedtime, because it will periodically grab your attention and wake you up. Rewire Your Brain PDF Book Free

White noise, in contrast (such as the noise of a fan), is monotonous and makes a good screen for other noises, such as a barking dog or a car alarm. Some people keep a fan on all night long just to provide white noise. Good – quality earplugs can also fi lter out noises. His primary care physician thought that Marc might be de pressed. He knew for sure that Marc was terribly lonely.

In fact, he told me that Marc frequently went online to research medical conditions so that he could justify an appointment for a medical checkup. The real reason for the appointments was to come in and chat about the conditions. “ It ’ s like he views me as his best friend, ”the doctor said.

When I sat down with Marc, he acknowledged that he had no friends besides his acquaintances at work and the people he played bridge with online. Even with the latter, he never actually developed much of a relationship. At work, he never went out to lunch with people or took walks with them, and he certainly did not see them outside work. I asked him if he was lonely. Rewire Your Brain PDF Book Free

What ’ s going on here? How do your relationships have such an impact on your body, including your brain? The answer involves the interaction between those parts of the brain that we are calling the social brain. The OFC, the mirror neurons, and the cingulate cortex thrive on social interaction. They are the brain systems that began wiring up when you bonded with your parents.

If those relationships were positive, you developed an ability to control your emotions (or, in the technical jargon, gain better “ affect regulation ” ). When your relationships are supportive, you feel comforted, and these brain systems become wired so that you can also comfort yourself.

This is because these brain systems are connected to the emotional parts of the brain, such as the amygdala, and to the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps you to calm down in the face of stress. . It ’ s not visible from the outside because it is tucked into a major fold in the cortex. The insula is involved in many social feelings and forms part of the neural basis for love and disgust.

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