The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success PDF Book by Deepak Chopra


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The experience of the Self, or “self-referral,” means that our internal reference point is our own spirit, and not the objects of our experience. The opposite of self-referral is object-referral. In objectreferral we are always inuenced by objects outside the Self, which include situations, circumstances, people, and things. In objectreferral we are constantly seeking the approval of others.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success PDF Book by Deepak Chopra

Name of Book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
Author Deepak Chopra
PDF Size 2 MB
No of Pages 80
Language  English
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Our thinking and our behavior are always in anticipation of a response. It is therefore fear-based. In object-referral we also feel an intense need to control things. We feel an intense need for external power. The need for approval, the need to control things, and the need for external power are needs that are based on fear.

This kind of power is not the power of pure potentiality, or the power of the Self, or real power. When we experience the power of the Self, there is an absence of fear, there is no compulsion to control, and no struggle for approval or external power. In object-referral, your internal reference point is your ego. The ego, however, is not who you really are.

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The ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing. Your social mask thrives on approval. It wants to control, and it is sustained by power, because it lives in fear. Your true Self, which is your spirit, your soul, is completely free of those things. It is immune to criticism, it is unfearful of any challenge, and it feels beneath no one.

And yet, it is also humble and feels superior to no one, because it recognizes that everyone else is the same Self, the same spirit in dierent disguises. That’s the essential dierence between object-referral and selfreferral. In self-referral, you experience your true being, which is unfearful of any challenge, has respect for all people, and feels beneath no one.

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Self-power is therefore true power. Power based on object-referral, however, is false power. Being ego-based power, it lasts only as long as the object of reference is there. If you have a certain title — if you’re the president of the country or the chairman of a corporation — or if you have a lot of money, the power you enjoy goes with the title, with the job, with the money.

Ego-based power will only last as long as those things last. As soon as the title, the job, the money go away, so does the power. Self-power, on the other hand, is permanent, because it is based on the knowledge of the Self. And there are certain characteristics of self-power. It draws people to you, and it also draws things that you want to you.

It magnetizes people, situations, and circumstances to support your desires. This is also called support from the laws of nature. It is the support of divinity; it is the support that comes from being in the state of grace. Your power is such that you enjoy a bond with people, and people enjoy a bond with you. Your power is that of bonding — a bonding that comes from true love. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success PDF Book

The auence of the universe — the lavish display and abundance of the universe — is an expression of the creative mind of nature. The more tuned in you are to the mind of nature, the more you have access to its innite, unbounded creativity. But rst, you have to go beyond the turbulence of your internal dialogue to connect with that abundant, auent, innite, creative mind.

And then you create the possibility of dynamic activity while at the same time carrying the stillness of the eternal, unbounded, creative mind. This exquisite combination of silent, unbounded, innite mind along with dynamic, bounded, individual mind is the perfect balance of stillness and movement simultaneously that can create whatever you want.

This coexistence of opposites — stillness and dynamism at the same time — makes you independent of situations, circumstances, people, and things. When you quietly acknowledge this exquisite coexistence of opposites, you align yourself with the world of energy — the quantum soup, the non-material non-stu that is the source of the material world. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success PDF Book

This world of energy is uid, dynamic, resilient, changing, forever in motion. And yet it is also non-changing, still, quiet, eternal, and silent. Stillness alone is the potentiality for creativity; movement alone is creativity restricted to a certain aspect of its expression. But the combination of movement and stillness enables you to unleash your creativity in directions wherever the power of your attention takes you.

The best way to put the Law of Giving into operation — to start the whole process of circulation — is to make a decision that any time you come into contact with anyone, you will give them something. It doesn’t have to be in the form of material things; it could be a ower, a compliment, or a prayer. In fact, the most powerful forms of giving are non-material.

The gifts of caring, attention, aection, appreciation, and love are some of the most precious gifts you can give, and they don’t cost you anything. When you meet someone, you can silently send them a blessing, wishing them happiness, joy, and laughter. This kind of silent giving is very powerful. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success PDF Book

One of the things I was taught as a child, and which I taught my children also, is never to go to anyone’s house without bringing something — never visit anyone without bringing them a gift. You may say, “How can I give to others when at the moment I don’t have enough myself?” You can bring a ower. One ower.

You can bring a note or a card which says something about your feelings for the person you’re visiting. You can bring a compliment. You can bring a prayer. Make a decision to give wherever you go, to whomever you see. As long as you’re giving, you will be receiving. The more you give, the more condence you will gain in the miraculous eects of this law.

And as you receive more, your ability to give more will also increase. Our true nature is one of auence and abundance; we are naturally auent because nature supports every need and desire. We lack nothing, because our essential nature is one of pure potentiality and innite possibilities. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success PDF Book Download

Therefore, you must know that you are already inherently auent, no matter how much or how little money you have, because the source of all wealth is the eld of pure potentiality — it is the consciousness that knows how to fulll every need, including joy, love, laughter, peace, harmony, and knowledge. If you seek these things rst — not only for yourself, but for others — all else will come to you spontaneously.

There are three components to the Law of Least Eort — three things you can do to put this principle of “do less and accomplish more” into action. The rest component is acceptance. Acceptance simply means that you make a commitment: “Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur.”

This means I will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. This moment — the one you’re experiencing right now — is the culmination of all the moments you have experienced in the past. This moment is as it is because the entire universe is as it is. When you struggle against this moment, you’re actually struggling against the entire universe. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success PDF Book Download

Instead, you can make the decision that today you will not struggle against the whole universe by struggling against this moment. This means that your acceptance of this moment is total and complete. You accept things as they are, not as you wish they were in this moment. This is important to understand.

You can wish for things in the future to be dierent, but in this moment you have to accept things as they are. When you feel frustrated or upset by a person or a situation, remember that you are not reacting to the person or the situation, but to your feelings about the person or the situation. These are your feelings, and your feelings are not someone else’s fault.

When you recognize and understand this completely, you are ready to take responsibility for how you feel and to change it. And if you can accept things as they are, you are ready to take responsibility for your situation and for all the events you see as problems. This doesn’t mean you give up the intention to create your desire. You don’t give up the intention, and you don’t give up the desire. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success PDF Book Download

You give up your attachment to the result. This a very powerful thing to do. The moment you relinquish your attachment to the result, combining one-pointed intention with detachment at the same time, you will have that which you desire. Anything you want can be acquired through detachment, because detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of your true Self.

Attachment, on the other hand, is based on fear and insecurity — and the need for security is based on not knowing the true Self. The source of wealth, of abundance, or of anything in the physical world is the Self; it is the consciousness that knows how to fulll every need. Everything else is a symbol: cars, houses, bank notes, clothes, airplanes.

Symbols are transitory; they come and go. Chasing symbols is like settling for the map instead of the territory. It creates anxiety; it ends up making you feel hollow and empty inside, because you exchange your Self for the symbols of your Self. Attachment comes from poverty consciousness, because attachment is always to symbols. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success PDF Book Download

Detachment is synonymous with wealth consciousness, because with detachment there is freedom to create. Only from detached involvement can one have joy and laughter. Then the symbols of wealth are created spontaneously and eortlessly. Without detachment we are prisoners of helplessness, hopelessness, mundane needs, trivial concerns, quiet desperation.

And seriousness  the distinctive features of everyday mediocre existence and poverty consciousness. There are three components to the Law of Dharma. The rst component says that each of us is here to discover our true Self, to nd out on our own that our true Self is spiritual, that essentially we are spiritual beings that have taken manifestation in physical form.

We’re not human beings that have occasional spiritual experiences — it’s the other way around: we’re spiritual beings that have occasional human experiences. Each of us is here to discover our higher self or our spiritual self. That’s the rst fulllment of the Law of Dharma. We must and out for ourself that inside us is a god or goddess in embryo that wants to be born so that we can express our divinity. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success PDF Book Free

The second component of the Law of Dharma is to express our unique talents. The Law of Dharma says that every human being has a unique talent. You have a talent that is unique in its expression, so unique that there’s no one else alive on this planet that has that talent, or that expression of that talent.

This means that there’s one thing you can do, and one way of doing it, that is better than anyone else on this entire planet. When you’re doing that one thing, you lose track of time. When you’re expressing that one unique talent that you possess — or more than one unique talent in many cases — the expression of that talent takes you into timeless awareness.

The third component of the Law of Dharma is service to humanity — to serve your fellow human beings and to ask yourself the questions, “How can I help? How can I help all those that I come into contact with?” When you combine the ability to express your unique talent with service to humanity, then you make full use of the Law of Dharma. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success PDF Book Free

And coupled with the experience of your own spirituality, the eld of pure potentiality, there is no way you will not have access to unlimited abundance, because that is the real way abundance is achieved. This is not a temporary abundance; it’s permanent, because of your unique talent, your way of expressing it.

And your service and dedication to your fellow human beings, which you discover through asking the question, “How can I help?” instead of “What’s in it for me?” The third commitment is: I am going to ask myself how I am best suited to serve humanity. I am going to answer that question and then put it into practice.

I am going to use my unique talents to serve the needs of my fellow human beings — I will match those needs to my desire to help and serve others. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success PDF Book Free