A Gentle Reminder PDF Book by Bianca Sparacino


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You will not find a love that is perfect, but you will find a love that sees you. The kind that brings down your walls, that asks you to share the parts of your soul you have tucked away and kept hidden from the world. You will not find a love that is perfect, but you will find a love that shows you that it is okay to be the kind of person who balances both hope and hurt within them.

A Gentle Reminder PDF Book by Bianca Sparacino

Name of Book A Gentle Reminder
PDF Size 2.5 MB
No of Pages 150
Language English
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About Book – A Gentle Reminder PDF Book

That it is okay to be the kind of person who has not always known how to quiet the beating of their heart within their chests. And this love, it will hold you there. It will not vilify you for the ways you have to heal your sadness, for the ways you show up in this world. This love, it will not flinch at the sight of your darkened past — it will hold you there.

Not just when you are a gleaming example of beauty or perfection, but when you are baring your teeth. When you are unraveled before it. It will not run from you when you take off your mask. Understand that sometimes, in order to do that, you have to walk away. Because you cannot fix the people you love. You cannot heal them. They have to do that on their own.

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And if someone isn’t showing up for that healing, if they are content with having you hold them together, then that will only ever ruin you. Walking away to refuel yourself, giving your heart a break, allowing for it to be yours and yours only, allowing for the love you so compassionately poured into another human being to be poured back into yourself.

That is something you need to forgive yourself for. Because not only were you choosing to nurture yourself, but you were also helping this person in a way you may not fully comprehend. Sometimes the most formative way to love another human being is to love them from a distance, is to lay down your hope and your fight, is to know when to wave the white flag and challenge them to show up for themselves.

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You were not put into this world to fix people who do not want to be fixed. It is okay to walk away from relationships that require you to do so. Forgive yourself for that. When you are not feeling good enough, remember that even at your best, you will not be good enough for someone who does not have the capacity, or the will, to love you.

And while there is a very human part in each and every soul that leaps towards needing to prove ourselves, to care more, to try harder just to demonstrate our worth, at the end of the day, if someone does not see the value that is pinned and blooming within you, it doesn’t matter what you do. It doesn’t matter how hard you fight for someone who isn’t fighting for you.

It doesn’t matter how hard you show up for someone who isn’t showing up for you. It doesn’t matter — because those human beings don’t actually see you. If they did, they would respect you, they would value you because you deserve to be valued, they would cherish the rare and magnetic hope you have to offer because it deserves to be cherished. A Gentle Reminder PDF Book

Don’t ever forget that the right people will choose you, they will see you, they will dive into the depth of you, and you will never have to force those connections. You will always be good enough for them. Anything else is not for you. Sometimes, we hold on because we feel like we have to. We feel like we have to be the ones to fix, the ones to mend, the ones to prove that human beings don’t give up on a person they see something beautiful within.

Sometimes, we hold on because we feel guilty, because we think that walking away and choosing ourselves is us discarding someone we care about, is us abandoning a human being. And sometimes, we hold on because we think that we will never find the kind of person who proves to us that love is not something that is meant to hurt.

Sometimes, we hold on because we lose our belief in the fact that love has the potential to be soft, that there is more to life than what we are settling for. Remember that you use 200 million cells to take one step forward. Do not vilify yourself for the journey you have walked thus far, for it has taken effort and every single aspect of your body has conspired to help you get to where you are. A Gentle Reminder PDF Book

Remember that you shed your tired skin every twenty-seven days. You were not made to hold your past within you, you were not made to carry it all on your back. You physically let go of every bad thing that has ever touched you, of every pair of foreign hands that unbuttoned your shirt but never your demons; you let go of every regret, of every insecurity. You are always gifted a clean slate.

Maybe in the seasons of life where your heart aches, or loss has built a home within you, happiness changes. Maybe it becomes your morning cup of coffee — sitting and drinking it as the sun rises and the world wakes up around you. Maybe happiness becomes the way the light plays with the trees in your favorite park; maybe it is the way the sky looks at your favorite time of night.

The way the moon fills the air with an energy you can feel in your bones when you really sit with yourself and let your solitude wash over you. Maybe in the messiest moments of life, happiness is your mother’s voice. Maybe it is the beauty you feel when you see your friends’ faces, when you hug them for twenty minutes straight, when you sit with them in silence and feel so understood, and so seen, in all that you are. A Gentle Reminder PDF Book

Most of all, I hope you learn how to let go of the idea that it’s too late. It is never too late to change your life. It is never too late to become the person you have always hoped you could be, or to love the way you have always wanted to love. We often forget that we are not bound by our past.

We don’t have to be who we were a year ago, we don’t have to make the same mistakes we did when we were younger; we can want different things, we can grow. We have to believe that we are never too old, never too jaded, and never too broken to take our first steps towards change. We wake up every single day with the ability to start fresh — it is never too late to take advantage of that. It is never too late.

One of the hardest lessons you will ever have to learn in life is that you do not need closure to heal and move on from something that had to end, from the kind of love you had to set down. One of the hardest lessons you will ever have to learn in life is that closure doesn’t actually serve you. Closure is a way that we hold on when we don’t want to let go. A Gentle Reminder PDF Book Download

Closure is a way we look to cut the pain from the bone, a way we try to bandage our hearts, but when we do get it, if we ever do, it never makes things easier. It doesn’t patch our souls back together immediately. We still have to heal from the loss. We still have to hold all of the memory, and all of the potential, and all of the work inside of ourselves. We still have to learn how to carry all of that weight.

One day it hits you — that if there is any magic in this world, it exists in being seen by other human beings, in connecting. One day it hits you — that if there is any magic in this world, it exists in being unguarded and vulnerable; it exists in allowing for yourself to surrender to your hope.

It exists in not being afraid of what life is trying to teach you, in not allowing yourself to run from what is asking to be felt within your soul. One day you just open. The cost of staying fortified and hidden away becomes too high. One day, you lay down your arms. You let love rush in. You let it wash over you. A Gentle Reminder PDF Book Download

You crack your shell, you expose your heart to this world, and you trust that you are worthy of being seen there. You trust that you are worthy of being known there. When you feel like things will never get better — think about all of the things in life that have tried to defeat you. Think about all of the moments that hung heavy in the air, the moments that had you convinced that you would never find light within the darkness of it all.

Think about all of the times you thought to yourself that your heart would never mend, that all of the ways in which you risked for it and weathered it were finally taking their toll, that there was no way in which you could come back from the loss or the break. Think about the moments, think about how convinced you were that you would never find the strength to move forward.

Trust me when I say that the strongest love you will ever experience will exist within ultimate freedom. The freedom to be your own individual self, the freedom to chase what ignites you, the freedom to figure out what kind of person you want to be and the freedom to do everything you can in order to meet that potential. A Gentle Reminder PDF Book Free

When you understand that love is union, that you do not have to lose yourself within it, you can encourage its growth without thinking that that growth will take away from the relationship or crack the foundation. You aren’t afraid of someone chasing their dreams, or changing, or evolving into themselves, because you are doing the same. You are doing it side by side.

We are all just hoping that the world has compassion for us within that hurt. Within that experience. We are all hoping that the world will see the ways in which we have tried to forgive ourselves for the human beings we used to be. We are all hoping that those we love will recognize our fight, will see the ways in which we have tried to learn from the losses.

The ways in which we have tried to be kinder to our wounds so they do not wound others. We are all just hoping to find the kind of human beings who understand, human beings who know what it is like to hold all of that within themselves. You did not lose; you got lucky. You got lucky enough to spend time with someone who wanted to experience the world through your eyes. A Gentle Reminder PDF Book Free

Who wanted to watch old movies and listen to rainstorms with you and feel your eyelashes blink across their neck. You got lucky enough to have slow conversations with a human being who ignited your every cell, who made you want to be better, who sat you down and stretched you out and made you uncomfortable enough to expand. You got lucky.

Lucky enough to meet someone who understood your silent languages, the small and nameless ways you said I love you by pulling them closer in bed or making sure that they got home safely or squeezing their thigh when you heard their voice crack on a goodbye. The hardest lesson you will ever have to learn is that this too is a gift. To have been loved in halves, to have been loved by someone who could not understand what it meant to hold such a rare and hopeful thing, is to have been loved by someone who taught you how to walk away.

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