The Rules of Work PDF Book by Richard Templar


Click here to Download The Rules of Work PDF Book by Richard Templar English having PDF Size 1 MB and No of Pages 273 .

Being a general manager was both fun and pain. It was 50 percent more work but only 20 percent more pay. My next step, logically, was regional director. But it didn’t appeal. More work—much more work but for not that much more money. I began to develop a plan (Rules 24–34). Where did I want to go next? What did I want to do?

The Rules of Work PDF Book by Richard Templar

Name of Book The Rules of Work
Author Richard Templar
PDF Size 1 MB
No of Pages 273
Language  English
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About Book – The Rules of Work PDF Book

I was getting bored being stuck in the office all the time and all those endless dreary meetings. And all that time spent at head office. Not for me. I wanted to have fun again. I wanted to practice the Rules. I formulated my plan. What the company didn’t have was a roving troubleshooter—a sort of general manager’s general manager.

I put Rule 4: Carve Out a Niche for Yourself into play. I suggested to the chairman that a report was needed. I never suggested that this was the job I wanted, but the agenda was obvious, I suppose. I got it, of course, and became a peripatetic general manager, answerable directly only to the chairman and with a job description I wrote myself.

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And pay? A lot more than the regional directors were on, but they didn’t know and I didn’t let on (Part V: Look After Yourself). I cultivated their support and friendship; I was never a threat because it was obvious I wasn’t after their job. They may have wanted the money I was making if they had known, but they didn’t want the little niche I had carved out for myself.

And I did this without being ruthless, dishonest, or unpleasant. In fact, I was always diplomatic when dealing with the general managers. I treated them with courtesy and politeness, even when I had to confront them on some aspect of their job. I added If you can’t say anything nice—shut up and learned the rules in Part VIII: Cultivate Diplomacy.

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Most people go into work each day with only one thought— getting through to going home time. During their day they will do whatever they have to, to arrive at that magic time. You won’t. You won’t stand still. Having gotten the job seems enough for most people that they will just do it and thus remain static.

But doing the job isn’t the end game for you—it is merely a means to the end. And the end for you is promotion, more money, success, amassing the contacts and experience to set out on your own, whatever it is that is on your wish list. The job, in a way, is an irrelevance. Yes, you have to do the work. And yes, you have to do it supremely well.

But your eye should already be on the next step, and every activity you indulge in at work should be merely a step in your plan to move up. While others are thinking of their next coffee break or how to get through the afternoon without actually having to do any work, you will be busy planning and executing your next maneuver. The Rules of Work PDF Book

In an ideal world, the Rules Players will have gotten their work done by lunchtime so that they have the afternoon free to study for the next promotion, to assess the competition among close colleagues, to write the unsolicited reports to get their work noticed, to research ways to improve the work process for everyone, to further their knowledge of company procedures and history.

If you can’t get your work done by lunchtime, then you will have to fit all these things into and around the work. What the competition will be doing is not doing them. But you don’t stand still. Never accept that doing the job is enough. If you know you can do it by Wednesday, always say Friday. If you know it will take your department a week, say two.

If you know it will cost an extra two people to get the new machine installed and up and running, then say three. This isn’t dishonest, merely prudent. If it gets spotted that this is what you do, then openly and honestly admit it and say you always build a contingency percentage into your calculations. They can’t kill you for that. That’s the first bit. Under promise. The Rules of Work PDF Book

And just because you have said Friday or two weeks or whatever doesn’t mean you can coast and use up that allowance. Oh, no. What you have to do is make sure you deliver early, on budget, and better than promised. And that’s the second part. Over deliver. This means if you promised to have the report finished by Monday first thing, it is finished.

But not only is it a report it also contains the full implementation plans for the new premises. Or if you said you’d have the exhibition stand up and running by Sunday night with only two extra members of staff, you have—and you’ve managed to get your major competitor to pull out of the show.

Or if you said you’d have a rough proposal written for the new company brochure by the next meeting, you not only have this but also a full color mock-up, the complete text written and proofread, all the photos taken, and full printing costs and quotes for distribution. Obviously, you’ve got to be careful that you don’t overstep the mark and assume responsibilities you haven’t been given, but I’m sure you get the idea. The Rules of Work PDF Book

You won’t be able to do your best for your employer if you can’t see the big picture. You may be only a humble cog in a huge grinding machine, but if you can’t step back and see what the whole machine is up to, you won’t be able to do your little coggy things as well as you could.

What’s more, if you only ever talk in terms of your cog and your immediate neighboring cogs and bolts and shafts and pistons, everyone around you will see you as belonging neatly in that little part of the machine. But you have aspirations to move into bigger and more important parts of the machine, don’t you?

Of course you do—you’re a Rules Player. You want to grow and develop and make a bigger contribution. And to do that—and be seen as a suitable candidate to do that—you need to understand what drives the whole thing and what its purpose is. The way you do that is to ask questions. When your boss briefs you on any new task or project, ask how it fits into the big picture. The Rules of Work PDF Book

Why are you shifting focus to selling by phone? Is this a standard market trend, or is your company trying to do something innovative? Why is the accounts department splitting into two—is this to benefit customers or to help the internal structure? And so on. I’m not talking about plaguing your boss with questions about what color paper clip you should use for the pink triplicate sheets.

And whether it’s OK to put your vacation request in via email. I’m talking about taking an interest in the whole organization and not just your corner of it, and letting your boss see that you have your eye on the big picture. So, what do you do for a living? I don’t mean the actual job. I mean what contribution do you make to society? Is your contribution positive, beneficial, healthy?

Or is it detrimental, negative, damaging? What does your industry do? How much a part of that industry are you? Have you considered the ethics of your industry? What do we mean by ethics? Ethics are the morals of your industry—the rights and wrongs, the good and bad. Is your industry a good thing or a bad thing? Does it hurt or heal? The Rules of Work PDF Book Download

Is it putting something positive into society or merely taking something out? No, you don’t have to walk out if you have just suddenly decided that your own particular industry stinks. What you can do is work from the inside to change things. I don’t think we’re talking environmental issues here, although I am aware that they may be of concern to a lot of us.

Instead, I want you to concentrate on what your industry does morally. Obviously, if you do decide that your industry is unjustified in its approach—and this happened to me and I walked—and you simply cannot live with it, then you have to get out. This is good karma, and you gain benefit even if you do lose out financially.

Within your industry there will be good bits and bad bits. Occasionally, you will be asked to cross the line and do bad things. Obviously, you will have read Rule 47: Set Personal Standards but this is about helping set standards for your industry rather than personal ones. This Rule, as in the case of Rule 42: Don’t Swear, is very easy. It sets a limit that you don’t have to think about. The Rules of Work PDF Book Download

Never lie means exactly that—never lie. Under no circumstances do you lie. Once you have got a reputation as someone who never lies, you won’t ever be asked to cover up, or cover for anyone else. If you do decide to lie for a living, you have too many choices and decisions. Where do you draw the line? Do you only tell little lies?

Great big ones? Do you lie to save yourself? Others? Do you lie for the company? For your boss? For colleagues? How developed will your lies be? Will you add lie to lie when the first lie looks like it’s about to be detected? Where will you stop this process? Will you involve other people in your lies? Or will you be a lone liar?

Can you see the problems? If you have a simple Rule—never lie—you have a default setting that requires no thought, no choices, no decisions, no alternatives, no picking, no preferences. Not ever lying also saves you from guilt, fear, recrimination, having to remember the lies, the risk of being punished or sacked or embarrassed, ostracizing your colleagues. The Rules of Work PDF Book Download

Putting your family in jeopardy, running the risk of a criminal prosecution, and not sleeping nights. Never lie is really the simplest, cleanest, most honest approach to your working life and career. It is, of course, OK to embellish and hype up your resume or experience or enthusiasm, but please don’t actually lie. You will be found out—I guarantee it.

So we know what Rules you are following, but what about other people? What are their standards? What Rule book are they following, what drumbeat do they march to? Chances are they are making it up as they go along. This makes them unpredictable and erratic. Not everybody will have your high standards of honesty and morality.

Obviously, some people are kind and dignified—just like you—and are still able to climb the corporate ladder. But there are equally lots out there whose Rules are suspect. The Rule book you now have must remain a secret. If you reveal your Rules, you have broken the Rules. If you assume that everyone else is playing by different Rules, you won’t go far wrong. The Rules of Work PDF Book Free

You don’t have to assume that their Rules are better or worse than yours, merely different. If you assume that their Rules are the same as yours or better, you will be constantly let down, disappointed, disillusioned, saddened, and upset. If you assume their Rules are worse than yours, you will grow mistrustful, apprehensive, paranoid, suspicious, and sceptical.

Assuming that their Rules are different without assuming what those Rules are keeps you open and receptive, cautious but expectant, approachable but not overly trustful, responsive but not gullible. Always remember that your job isn’t to make waves but to ride them. Surf your way to the top by being conciliatory.

By doing this you will win friends, bring together opposing sides, and gain respect. Being conciliatory is a bit like breaking up fights between kids. You don’t want to know who started it—no, you really don’t—or what it is about. You don’t want the details of who pinched who or who bit who. All you want is peace restored and for them to shake hands and start over again being friends. The Rules of Work PDF Book Free

That, at work, is all you want too. Use the same techniques you would use on small children. But if it ain’t staged then don’t do it. I don’t care how angry someone makes you or how annoying she can be or how justified you think you are. Loss of temper means loss of control. And the one thing a Rules Player has is control. So how do you sit on your hands?

How do you learn how to be calm and well behaved? Easy. Raise your eyes to the heavens. No, seriously. You only lose your temper if you are involved, if you care, if you are part of the problem. If you shift your focus to higher issues—the old good of the company again—it becomes easier to see whatever it is that is annoying you in a new light.